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KACD Partners with Farmer for Soil Health on Climate Smart Initiative

Posted Monday July 8, 2024

Farmers for Soil Health (FSH) is a nation-wide, farmer-led collaboration between the Soy Checkoff, Pork Checkoff, National Corn Growers Association and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation that assists farmers in implementing and maintaining soil health practices. Within Kansas, the project is led by the Kansas Association of Conservation Districts, the Kansas Soil Health Alliance with support from Kansas Soybean and Kansas Corn.  Technical assistance for the Farmers for Soil Health project is being provided through Heartland Soil Services.  

FSH has multiple avenues to assist growers in introducing cover crops into existing crop rotations. There are several financial incentive options, access to a marketplace connecting farmers to supply chain partners, and local technical assistance to aid in transitioning acres to cover crops and other soil health practices. “This program is unique because it was built by farmers for farmers, and it assists with the cost and learning curve of adopting cover crops,” says Ben West, executive director for Farmers for Soil Health. “We built flexibility into the timing, allowing farmers to enroll their fields before or after planting cover crops.” 

KACD has compiled all the program details on their Farmers For Soil Health | Kansas Association of Conservation Districts (kacd.net) website. Producers can self enroll online at FSH Enrollment (dtn.com) or they may request technical assistance through local technical service providers at Heartland Soil Services or their local conservation district.  

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