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Climate Smart Initiatives Continue Across Kansas

Posted Wednesday September 18, 2024

The Farmers for Soil Health Climate Smart cover crop initiative is beginning it’s second year of enrollment. Kansas is really only gearing up for it’s first full year of enrolling producers into this program. KACD is assisting with promoting and implementing this initiative.

Kansas is part of 20 states that are offering payments to farmers who are willing to plant new cover crop acres. Any fields that did not have a cover crop planted in the previous year are considered new cover crop acres. The crop rotation must include either corn or soybeans but cover crops can also be paid on following other commodity crops.  The Farmers for Soil Health cover crop initiative will pay enrollees up to fifty dollars per acre over a three period for planting a new approved cover crop after a harvested commodity crop. There is also a payment for fields that have been planted in previous years. Landowners interested in learning more about the Farmers for Soil Health program can visit kacd.net/farmers-for-soil-health. In addition to program details customers will also find an online applicaiton on the webpage. 

Currently there are 8,931 acres enrolled in Farmers for Soil Health in Kansas. New enrollments can be made for the Farmers for Soil Health cover crop initiative until February 28, 2025. If you have any questions concerning the Farmers for Soil Health cover crop initiative, you may contact Robert Wimer, KACD Agreement Specialist at 620-200-3108 or at robertcwimer@gmail.com.

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