Kansas Soil Health Alliance Announces Coaching Network
Thirty-six growers located across Kansas will be selected through an application process to receive soil health mentoring from twelve coaches selected by the Kansas Soil Health Alliance. Team member applications are currently being received. Coaching will begin in winter 2025 and conclude in fall 2027.
Each of the selected coaches will be experienced soil health practitioners, ready to share their knowledge and experience with team members over the course of the program. Coaches are encouraged to establish an initial visit to each team member’s farm to learn more about the operation each team member has as the foundation for their soil health goals.
After the initial farm visit, coaches will be accessible to team members via phone, text, email, and/or any other agreed upon communication method. The coach and team member will work together to determine if a set day and time to communicate is appropriate or if the coach is simply available on an “as needed” basis. If desired, coaches can facilitate calls/meetings with all three team members and the coach to aid in the formation of a peer group between the team members. If time, interest, and geography allow, additional in-person visits to the coach and team members’ farms
would also be encouraged.
Throughout the coaching program, Kansas Soil Health Alliance board members and staff will be available to provide support in both soil health knowledge and organizational tasks. Those interested in applying should complete the Google form online or contact Jennifer Simmelink.