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ADM Climate Smart Initiative

KACD and local Conservation Districts promotes a variety of incentive programs for soil health improvement activities.  One of our partnerships is with Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) through the Climate Smart Commodities Initiatives.  ADM partners with farmers to adopt regenerative agriculture practices, incentivizing a more sustainable future.  ADM’s program provided financial rewards for regenerative practices as well as outcomes such as improved soil quality, giving producers the opportunity to sell crops with sustainable attributes at a premium. 

ADM began partnering with KACD and local Conservation Districts in 2022 to offer local technical assistance and educational resources on best practices for successful implementation for producers.  During the first program year Kansas producers from forty-five counties enrolled more than 100,000 acres. In 2023 those numbers increased to 189,916 acres in 76 counties. In 2023, ADM’s program supported farmers in the use of regenerative practices on more than 2.8 million acres nationwide.  Kansas ADM program goals for 2024 include 175,000 wheat acres and 200,000 cover crop acres. 

ADM Payment Options:  

$25 per acre Plant a Cover Crop NEW in 2023 - 2024

Must provide FSA documents and FSA subsidiary print and will be shared with NRCS/USDA. Cannot be in federally funded program like EQIP/CSP/RCPP. Has to be new practice or expanded practice. Must have wheat, corn, or soybeans in rotation.

$15 per acre Plant a Cover Crop NEW in 2018-2022

Must provide FSA documents and FSA subsidiary print and will be shared with NRCS/USDA. Cannot be in federally funded program like EQIP/CSP/RCPP. Acres could not have cover crop prior to 2018. Must have wheat, corn, or soybeans in rotation

Standard Practice Payments   

$10 per acre Plant a Cover Crop in 2024

Plant a cover crop no later than NRCS accepted date. Previous cover crop practice allowed on field. Can be in other federally funded program. Must have wheat, corn, or soybeans in rotation.

Additional Wheat Payments    

$2 per acre for No-Till or Strip Till

Only applicable on 2024 harvested wheat fields. Cannot be in other federally funded programs.

$3 per acre for Living Root

Only applicable on 2024 harvested wheat fields. Not stackable with other cover crop payments above. Have a living root established on field year round. (Double cropped soybeans after wheat)

$5 per acre for Nitrogen Use Efficiency less than or equal to 1.70

$2 per acre for Nitrogen Use Efficiency between 1.71 and 1.90

Only applicable on 2024 harvested wheat fields.

Stackable with all payments above.

Nitrogen levels must fall within N-Defense safe zone.


  • May not be part of any private regenerative ag or carbon program on acreage signed up through ADM.
  • Understand your program choices and the deadlines for each step. 
  • Completion of enrollment survey/agreement (5-10 min) by September 13, 2024. 
  • Schedule a call with FBN Sustainabilty Lead to confirm your acres prior to December 6, 2024.
  • Completion of data collection with FBN (15-45 min) by February 28, 2025.
  • Receive payments by May 31, 2025. 
  • A small subset of farmers will be randomly selected and compensated $1,000 for onsite verification of practices.


Contact your local Conservation District for program information and how to enroll, or contact 

qr code for Troy Munsch

Troy Munsch (KACD)



ADM Logo

Keith Koch (ADM)

